Russia with its vast territories is permanent and temporary home for over 750 species of birds, including those, who are rare or endemic to Russia. However birding is not a popular or well-developed activity in Russia.
We offer birding tours in different regions of Russia. You will be accompanied by professional ornithologist guides who will show you what the region of your choice has in store for you.
Since all our trips are tailor-made, you will have the opportunity to spend as much time as you wish in the place you choose. Just let us know what species you wish to watch or what region attracts your attention and we will develop a trip you will enjoy.
Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan… there are so many places that offer fantastic natural and ornithological / birdwatching experience.
A number of unknown places in Russia that you can choose from:
– starting from 5 days
– for a group of min 2 persons
– amateurs/specialists
– photo tours accompanied by professional Russian photographers
Ideas of naturalist trips:
Nijni Novgorod – a variety of species of owls and forest birds.
Georgia – a number of raptors.
Kamchatka & Kuril Islands
Kamchatka & Kuril Islands
Steppes of Kalmykia
Discover the birds of the steppes aboard of a 4*4 or on the camel’s back. Obseve demoiselle cranes mating dances and Saiga antilopes .
Lake Manych Gudilo is a privileged place for an excellent birding.
Baikal lake
Baikal lake
Trip through the steppes of South Siberia. The reserve of Borgoi is the biggest rest area for migrating birds in Eurasia.
A few target species : Canard à bec tacheté, Sarcelle à faucilles, Grande Outarde, Grue demoiselle, Bondrée orientale, Busard d’Orient, Epervier du Japon, Buse de Chine, Aigle criard, Aigle des steppes, Aigle impérial, Faucon de l’Amour, Limnodrome asiatique, Bécassine à queue pointue, Bécassine de Swinhoe, Chevalier de Sibérie, Bargette de Térek, Courlis de Sibérie, Bécasseau à cou roux, Bécasseau tacheté, Bécasseau à longs doigts, Alouette mongole, Alouette haussecol, Bergeronnette citrine, Pipit de Richard, Pipit farlousane, Pipit de la Petchora, Locustelle lancéolée, Locustelle de Pallas, Locustelle fluviatile, Gobemouche mugimaki, Gobemouche de la taïga, Gobemouche de Sibérie, Calliope sibérienne, Rossignol bleu, Rossignol siffleur, Rougequeue aurore, Traquet isabelle, Grive de Sibérie, Grive obscure, Grive à gorge noire.
Sakhalin & Ussuri region
Sakhalin island & Ussuri region
The trip in the Russian Far East that was called by Chekov ” the end of the world” during his stay in 1890, gives you an opportunity to merge in the nature with it fauna still rich and various.
List of the target species includes but not limits itself to the following species : Blongios de Schrenck, Cigogne orientale, Canard à faucilles, Harle de Chine, Grue à cou blanc, Grue du Japon, Bécassine du Japon, Courlis de Sibérie, Chevalier tacheté, Gravelot à long bec, Guillemot à cou blanc, Macareux rhinoceros, Kétoupa de Blakiston, Ninoxe boréale, Engoulevent jotaka, Grive de Sibérie, Sittelle de Chine, Locustelle de Pleske, Rousserolle de Schrenck, Pouillot à pattes claires, Pouillot de Temminck, Fuligule de Baer, Guillemot à lunettes, Coucou de Chine, Gobemouche narcisse, Bruant élégant, Bruant de Yeso, Océanite de Swinhoe, Pygargue de Steller, Tétras à bec noir, Guillemot à long bec.
Steppes of Kalmykia
Discover the birds of the steppes aboard of a 4*4 or on the camel’s back. Obseve demoiselle cranes mating dances and Saiga antilopes .
Lake Manych Gudilo is a privileged place for an excellent birding.
To purchase
Choose the option that suits you. You can buy the package that we offer above or choose a customized itinerary. Make the right choice according to your desires.